We're 100% In for democracy

Each of our member companies has unique values. Yet, we are united by these shared beliefs: Every American has a voice in our democracy. Voting should be safe and accessible to all. Elections must be fair and transparent.

As business leaders, we’re committed to strengthening our democracy by encouraging nonpartisan voter participation. Here are unique ways each of us is activating our companies and communities.

"Intel is providing US-based employees paid time to vote on election day, and we are distributing information to help employees make voting plans."
Bob Swan
Intel Corporation
"100% of our employees are receiving reminders, tools, and support to complete the Census, register to vote, and make a plan to vote."
Sonia Syngal
Gap Inc.
"100% of our employees will be allowed the flexibility to vote in their preferred way. We’ve also shared resources in various languages on how to exercise their right to vote and everyone has access to back-up childcare to make it easier to participate in an important democratic process."
Mike DeFrino
Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants
"100% of our employees worldwide receive paid time off to vote for all national elections."
Marc Benioff
Chair & CEO
"100% of our shops in the United States will carry a GOTV campaign between October 24-Election Day, ensuring that all our customers know their voting options, make a voting plan and make their 2020VOTE count."
Mark Wolverton
President and CEO
Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics
"100% of our employees will be encouraged to vote and all meetings will be canceled on Election Day. We will also equip our employees with the information and tools they need to make their vote count and incentivize additional engagement in the election, like volunteering at the polls."
Stephen Kaufer
President + CEO
"100% of our U.S. employees will be provided the flexibility to vote and have access to information by state to make a voting plan."
Tony Detter
"100% of our U.S. team will have dedicated time to vote on Election Day as well as access to resources and information about the voting process and volunteer opportunities through our Voter Action portal."
Daniel Lubetzky
Founder & Executive Chairman
KIND Snacks
"100% of United’s Mileage Plus members and employees, through the company’s website, social media and email platforms, have access to nonpartisan tools to make their voices heard and make a plan to vote in this year’s election."
Brett Hart
United Airlines
"100% of our social media content will be about voting from November 1-3"
Kenneth Cole
Founder & CEO
Kenneth Cole
"100% of our U.S. employees will be offered paid time off to vote in any local, state, or federal election, and may also take paid time off to serve as a poll worker."
Seth Bernstein
President & CEO
"We have established a company-wide voter registration and vote early campaign and regularly populate our social channels to encourage everyone in our community to exercise their voting rights."
Tom O'Connor
Chairman and CEO
Mohawk Fine Papers
"As America’s socially responsible bank, we are committed to strengthening our democracy and will provide of our employees with paid time off to vote."
Keith Mestrich
President & CEO
Amalgamated Bank
"100% of our U.S. employees will be provided the resources needed to ensure their voices are heard, including the flexibility to vote and volunteer at the polls on Election Day."
DJ Paoni
President, SAP North America
"100% of our associates have been offered time off to vote early, by mail, or on election day."
Steve Cannon
AMB Sports & Entertainment
"100% of our team members have access to nonpartisan election information, are encouraged to vote, and are provided paid time off to vote and serve as election judges."
Brian Cornell
Board Chairman and CEO
"100% of our employees in the U.S. will receive paid time off on Election Day to vote and/or volunteer at the polls."
John Wren
Chairman and CEO
Omnicom Group
"100% of employees can take whatever time they need to vote between now and the close of polls on Election Day and it will be paid time - not from their PTO, not VTO, just take the time and it is paid time."
Stewart Butterfield
CEO & Co-Founder
Slack Technologies
"On Election Day, 100% of our U.S. employees will have the day off to vote and serve as poll workers. We’ve sent them information to encourage participation in both."
Shar Dubey
Match Group
"100% of our front office employees will receive paid time off to vote, volunteer and serve their communities in this year’s election. In addition we will use our platforms to provide Minnesota Twins staff and fans with resources, information and encouragement to vote."
Dave St. Peter
President & Chief Executive Office
Minnesota Twins
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote and/or to volunteer in the electoral process."
Jim Fitterling
Chairman and CEO
"100% of our users will receive non-partisan voter engagement tools & be encouraged to make a plan to vote."
Evan Spiegel
Snap, Inc.
"100% of our U.S. employees are provided flexible schedules so they can take time off to vote or volunteer at the polls on November 3, and we have made Election Day a meeting-free day company-wide."
Anthony Casalena
Founder & CEO
"100% of our audience is being encouraged to vote; employees will receive paid time off to vote and/or volunteer at polls."
David Zaslav
President & CEO
Discovery Inc
"100% of our U.S. employees will be provided non-partisan tools and resources to engage in the voting process and will be provided the flexibility to vote."
Tom Linebarger
Chairman and CEO
Cummins Inc.
"100% of our Team Members will be encouraged to make a plan to vote and all leaders will be provided with resources to support their teams."
Chris Nassetta
President & CEO
"100% of our employees will receive nonpartisan educational resources & paid time off to vote, serve as poll workers or volunteer with a nonpartisan civic organization on Election Day."
Todd Siwak
Ferrara Candy Company
"100% of our full-time and hourly U.S. employees will have Election Day as a paid holiday to vote."
Emily Weiss
Founder & CEO
"100% of Rent the Runway's employees working on election day will be given paid time off to vote."
Jennifer Hyman
CEO & Co-Founder
Rent the Runway
"100% of our employees in all 50 states are receiving tools, resources and reminders to register and exercise their right to vote."
Sarosh Mistry
Region Chair North America and CEO Home Care Services Worldwide
"100% of our employees will have a paid holiday on Election Day, and our e-commerce site will be turned off for the day."
Iva Pawling
Co-Founder, CEO
Richer Poorer
"100% of our U.S. offices will be closed so that all our colleagues can vote, serve as poll workers, and participate in the most important event in our democracy. "
Richard Lovett
Creative Artists Agency
"100% of our U.S. employees were given tools to help with voter registration and researching candidates as well as time off to vote and volunteer on Election Day."
Peter Kern
Vice Chairman and CEO
Expedia Group
"100% of our corporate, retail & distribution center employees are given the time they need to vote."
Chip Bergh
President & CEO
Levi Strauss & Co.
"100% of Tyson Foods' Team Members in the U.S. are being encouraged to exercise their right to vote in our great democracy. We will distribute to all Tyson locations voter toolkits that include flyers in 10 different languages and tips for safe voting during COVID-19."
Dean Banks
Tyson Foods
"100% of NFL players as well as league and club personnel have been offered voter education, tools, and support. "
Roger Goodell
National Football League
"100% of our employees will be provided with paid time off to vote, to encourage full participation in our democracy."
Joe Ucuzoglu
Deloitte US
"100% of our U.S. employees get time off to vote as well as a day for civic action."
Russell Dubner
U.S. President & CEO
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote and to serve as poll workers and we will encourage our entire team and our customers to vote."
Niraj Shah
CEO, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman
"100% of our US employees will be offered Election Day off to vote or serve as poll workers."
Steve Huffman
Co-Founder & CEO
"100% of our team members will be reminded and encouraged to vote!"
James 'JC' Curleigh
President & CEO
Gibson Guitars
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day so employees have time to vote."
Julia Hartz
Co-Founder & CEO
"100% of our U.S. stores will be closing at 5 p.m. local time on Election Day to offer our associates time to vote. 100% of our associates will have access to information on polling center locations, as well as reminders encouraging voter registration and completion of the 2020 Census."
Paige Thomas
President and CEO
Saks OFF 5TH
"100% of our U.S. retail locations have posted resources to inform customers about their ballot and how to register to vote."
Neil Blumenthal & Dave Gilboa
Co-Founders and Co-CEOs
Warby Parker
"100% of our partners (employees) of our employees will have access to voter registration and education and resources and access to free rides to their polls or ballot box."
Kevin Johnson
president and chief executive officer
"100% of our U.S. employees will have a paid day off on Election Day and we are encouraging other businesses to join the nonpartisan Time to Vote movement that Patagonia co-founded in 2018. This year, we are also offering up to four additional paid days off so our employees can train and serve as poll workers. We’re also urging our community to make a plan to vote, sharing localized election information through our retail stores, and donating face masks to voter mobilization groups."
Ryan Gellert
"100% of US Corporate Employees will be given Election Day off as a paid company holiday."
Matthew McCarthy
Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc
"100% of Unilever’s employees in the U.S. have been provided nonpartisan tools to make their voices heard and make a plan to vote in this year’s election."
Fabian Garcia
President, North America
Unilever North America
"100% of our Certified B Corps have been given access to voter education resources. of employees have paid time off to vote and volunteer."
Ben Anderson
B Lab US/Canada
"100% of our employees will receive eight hours of paid time off to vote and volunteer in meaningful ways of civic engagement."
Alfredo Boccalandro
HandsOn Connect Cloud Solutions
"100% of our customers will have access to links to vote in our app."
Nick Huzar
Co-Founder & CEO
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote and we encourage our employees with paid volunteer time to work at the polls. We are also partnering with Fashion Our Future and Voto Latino to mobilize voters nationwide."
Julie Wainwright
Founder & CEO
The RealReal
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Chris Bender
Good Fear Content
"100% of our employees will have access to education and resources designed to remove barriers and make informed decisions about casting a vote, including having 100% of Election Day off."
Linda Findley Kozlowski
President & CEO
Blue Apron
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to serve as poll workers."
Heather Dietrick
The Daily Beast
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Andy Katz-Mayfield & Jeff Raider
Co-Founders & Co-CEOs
"We are committed to providing all employees time to vote and will use our social channels to encourage our customers to go vote as well!"
Pawan Kalra
Pressed Juicery
"100% of our employees receive paid time off to vote. 100% of our employees are given resources to make a plan to vote. 100% of our employees can use Paid Volunteer Time Off to serve as poll workers. 100% of our customers can register to vote through PagerDuty.com."
Jennifer Tejada
CEO and Chairperson
"100% of our employees, audience & partners will have access to the info & tools they need to vote, no matter how, where & when they do it."
Carly Zakin & Danielle Weisberg
Co-Founders & Co-CEOs
"100% of our employees will be given flexibility and encouragement to vote, serve as poll workers or volunteer."
David Fraga
"100% of our employees will be provided with paid time off to vote. 100% of our employees will be encouraged to make a plan to vote & provided with nonpartisan voter education resources. 100% of our athlete ambassadors will be encouraged to make a plan to vote & provided with nonpartisan voter education resources."
Steve Fechheimer
New Belgium Brewing
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote or volunteer on election day."
Michael Preysman
CEO and Founder
"100% of our employees and customers will have access to nonpartisan voting tools and as many resources as they need to vote."
Todd Carmichael
CEO and Co-Founder
La Colombe Coffee
"100% of Civic Entertainment Group employees will be given the time and resources to cast their vote in the upcoming election."
Parke Spencer
Civic Entertainment Group
"100% of our teams will be encouraged to register to Vote next week, 100% of our teams will be encouraged to vote early & safely, & 100% of proceeds of the PS exclusive Vote art print will go to the Lawyers’ Committee to Civil Rights Under."
Winnie Park
Paper Source
"100% of our U.S. employees will get the day off (with pay) to vote."
Shan-Lyn Ma
CEO & Co-Founder
"We are supporting the civic health of our employees, customers and community by providing 100% of our employees with flexible paid time off so that they can vote either on election day or during the early voting period. Additionally, we have declared Election Day on November 3rd as meeting-free for all employees and have provided nonpartisan educational resources to encourage and support their right to vote."
Tom Adams
"100% of our employees will be respected and supported, no matter the result of the election."
Karen Colberg & Ralph Carlton
King Arthur Baking Company
"100% of our corporate employees have been offered Election Day off to vote or volunteer at the polls. Our employees have also received resources, tools to help with voter registration and encouragement to get out and vote."
Mindy Grossman
President & CEO
WW International Inc.(Formerly Weight Watchers)
"100% in on 100% voter turnout among our employees."
David Heath and Randy Goldberg
"100% of our employees will receive a paid day off on Election Day it’s important to us for our employees to have the flexibility to exercise their civic duty."
Maryellis Bunn
Museum of Ice Cream
"100% of our employees will be encouraged to vote & receive paid time off to vote & to serve as poll workers; & 100% of our social media content will be about voting on November 3."
David Levine
Managing Partner
Anonymous Content
"100% of our employees have received resources to make informed decisions about how to cast their ballots and can take paid time off to vote."
Philip Behn
President & CEO
Imperfect Foods, Inc
"100% of Zipcar employees in the US are offered paid time off to vote or serve as poll workers. Above all, they are encouraged to make their voices heard and vote!"
Tracey Zhen
"100% of renters on Zillow now receive voter registration resources with every new lease signed through our platform - and we’re empowering 100% of our U.S. employees with paid time off to vote and volunteer at the polls."
Rich Barton
Co-Founder & CEO
"100% of our teammates will be supported in making a plan to vote."
Jim Rechtin
President & CEO
Envision Healthcare
"We are 100% committed to helping ensure millions of customers, Dashers, merchants, and employees receive voter resources via the DoorDash platform, at polling places, and through partnerships with voter engagement organizations."
Tony Xu
Co-Founder and CEO
DoorDash, Inc.
"“100% of our employees are offered paid time off to vote to encourage everyone to fully participate in our democracy.”"
Scott Sanborn
"100% of small businesses on Thumbtack will get voter registration information & assistance."
Marco Zappacosta
CEO & Co-Founder
"100% encouraged to vote and participate in some way."
Holly Carter
Executive Director
"100% of our employees will be offered additional paid time off to vote in any election, and will also be offered additional paid time off to serve as a poll worker. Also, all business meetings will be cancelled on election day."
Steve Linton
Deltec Homes
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Dr. Arti Patel Varanasi
President & CEO
Advancing Synergy
"100% of Brand Geek's employees are working as poll workers during the 2020 Presidential election."
Lara Pearson
President/Chief Pontificator
Law Office of Lara Pearson Ltd, PBC / Brand Geek
"100% of our community will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Mary Jane Evans
Veritable Vegetable
"100% of our employees will be able to vote on the clock if they haven't already mailed their ballot."
Kelly Klein
Groennfell Meadery
"100% of our Team Members are provided access to voting resources and offered paid time off to exercise their right to vote in all levels of elections year round - local, state and federal. This year, we have made an additional commitment to offer a free meal to all Poll Workers on Election Day in all of our restaurants."
Brett Schulman
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Ben Arnon
CEO & Co-Founder
Color Farm Media
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day"
Ariel Gordon Maffei
CEO, Founder, Designer
Ariel Gordon Jewelry
"100% of our employees will have paid time off on Nov. 3 in order to vote. Our company has made Election Day a formal holiday."
Victor Cho
"100% of the companies CECP works with have been urged to make a plan for their employees to learn about, encourage participation, and plan for post-election outcomes."
Daryl Brewster
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
"100% of Yasso employees are provided with paid time off to vote and are provided the opportunity to volunteer as poll workers and help others in the community exercise their right to vote, too."
Craig Shiesley
Yasso, Inc
"100% of our employees will be respected and supported, no matter the result of the election."
Patti Doyle
Rumi Spice
"100% of our employees receive paid time off to vote and/or volunteer as poll workers."
Brad Kopitz
Artifact Uprising
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day."
Robin Bordoli
NextRoll, Inc.
"100% of our team are receiving paid time off to vote, volunteer and encourage voting. They will be supported with comprehensive resources pre, during and post election."
Derek Hydon
"100% of our U.S. employees will receive paid time off to participate in democracy by voting on or before November 3rd. We are encouraging of employees to educate themselves on the issues and play a part in this important election."
Craig Pines
Amerigo Education
"100% of our staff will have Election Day off as a paid holiday."
Derek Tran
KC Tool
"100% of the CoPeace staff will be given the day off to vote."
Craig Jonas
CoPeace PBC
"100% of our team members are reminded and encouraged to vote, and are provided a flexible work schedule and paid time off to cast their vote in whatever way they feel most comfortable."
Nicole Ledoux
Co-Founder & CEO
88 Acres
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Khaled Naim
Co-Founder & CEO
"100% of our employees will be respected and supported, no matter the result of the election"
Angela McElwee
President & CEO
Gaia Herbs
"100% of our employees have paid time off for civic participation leave to volunteer in a manner of their choosing around the election"
Tom Matzzie
Founder & CEO
CleanChoice Energy
"100% of our U.S. employees will be provided the flexibility to vote and have access to information by state to make a voting plan."
Steve Koonin
President & CEO
Atlanta Hawks & State Farm Arena
"100% of our employees will be encouraged to make a voting plan and will be given the time needed to vote."
Lucas Loeffler
Founder & CEO
"100% of our employees have half a day off in order to go to the polls"
Stephen Leibovic
Aneka Guna LLC
"100% of Aeris employees will be dedicated to voting, and spreading the need to vote among our personal and professional networks. We will also urge our consumers to vote, and work to increase the ease with which they can do so."
Isaac Lichter
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Kelly Dolan and Michael Kroeger
Co-Founder and Co-CEO
Ingage Partners
"100% of TIBCO employees are encouraged and given the time to vote, as it is our civic duty to use our voices to make a difference."
Dan Streetman
TIBCO Software Inc.
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day"
Anne-Claire Broughton
Broughton Consulting, LLC
"100% of our employees will be given time off to vote."
Charles Lord
Managing Principal
Renew Energy Partners LLC
"100% of requests for paid time off to support the election (e.g., to vote, work at a polling place) will be granted."
Joaquin Roca
Minerva (MinervaKnows.com)
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote."
Daniel A. Turner
TCG, Inc.
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day so employees can vote and volunteer in election efforts.."
Lisa Hyman
"100% of our employees will have the day off to vote!"
Tonya Ladipo
The Ladipo Group
"100% of our full-time employees will have a paid day off on Election Day, this year and every year. We also approve all additional time-off requests made for the purpose of civic engagement (such as volunteering, working the polls, and assisting in other democratic efforts)."
Melissa Anelli
Mischief Management
"100% of our employees, customers and followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Maura Duggan
Fancypants Baking Co.
"I, Judson Kleinmman, commit to promoting that people need to be participates in our democracy. Sitting on the sidelines, potentially complaining, is just no longer and option. Whatever your thoughts are on where we need to move the conversation you must exercise your rights to be counted."
Judson Kleinman
Founder and CEO
Corporate Essentials
"100% of our employees have a full-day off on Election Day."
Roy Andrew Ng
Co-founder & CEO
"100% of our team around the world receive paid time off to vote and volunteer for all national elections.""
Amar Hanspal
CEO and Co-founder
Bright Machines
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on election day"
Kahlil Byrd
Founder & CEO
Invest America
"100% of our employees will have paid time off to vote"
Robert Cheetham
Founder and CEO
"100% of our employees will receive dedicated time to vote, volunteer, and pursue meaningful civic engagement during election time."
Rachel Klausner
"100% of employees will have voting day as a holiday"
John Voith
Co-Founder and CEO
"100% of Jam City's US employees are being encouraged to take time off to vote. Jam City has also launched a LevelUptheVote initiative to drive voter registration across our portfolio of games and social channels, encouraging millions of Jam City players to register to vote. Jam City is an official partner of WhenWeAllVote, and we have also partnered with the County of Los Angeles to be an official voting center for the election, inviting the public and all local employees to vote at Jam City HQ on November 2nd."
Chris DeWolfe
Co-Founder & CEO
Jam City
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote early and on Election Day."
Chris Russo
Savas Lab
"100% of our team will have election day off to vote and engage in their communities."
Timothy Flacke
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Commonwealth, Inc.
"100% of Helbiz is committed to encouraging voting through discounted Helbiz rides and social media."
Salvatore Palella
"100% of our employees are guaranteed Election Day to participate fully in our democracy"
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote, 100% of our users will receive non-partisan voter engagement tools & be encouraged to make a plan to vote."
Aaron Smith / Tobin Van Ostern
Savi Solutions PBC
"100% of employees will be provided nonpartisan resources and the time to vote. To help serve our community, all socia media content will be dedicated to voting education on November 2nd and 3rd."
Ryu Yokoi
Chief Executive Officer
"100% of our colleagues will receive resources to register, information to support the polling process, and flexibility and continued encouragement to exercise their right to vote."
Glen Walter
EVP & President, North America
Mondelēz International
"100% of meetings will be canceled on Election Day."
Mary Stelletello
Founder & CEO
Vista Global Coaching & Consulting
"100% of our employees will get a paid day off to vote and civically engage on election day."
Guusje Bendeler
"100% of our social media content will be about voting from November 1-3."
Robyn Donaldson, J.D.
Paths to Peace
"100% of employees and tenants will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Martin Muoto
Chief Executive Officer, Founder/Managing Partner
SoLa Impact
"100% of our employees have paid time off on Election Day to both vote and volunteer. Democracy thrives when all of our voices are heard."
Peter Gardner
Founder and CEO
Startgrid, Inc.
"100% of our employees will receive election day as a paid holiday."
Tristan Handy
Fishtown Analytics
"100% of our employees will have paid time off to go vote and 100% of the proceeds from our Impact Shop will go to civic engagement nonprofits."
Ashley Spillane
Founder & President
"100% of our employees have paid time off on Election Day to allow them to participate in the democratic process."
Meghan Jewitt
Uniform Teeth
"100% of our team will have the day off to volunteer at the polls"
Jonathan Scherr
Founder and CEO
"We're giving our employees an optional holiday on election day so they can vote. Consider doing the same."
David Baldwin
"We will be committing 1200 square feet of our store to celebrate the power and empowerment of voting through art."
Katie Hunt
"100% of our U.S. employees will be given paid time off to vote, to volunteer as poll workers or poll observers, or to support voter access in other ways. 100% of our U.S. employees will be provided with comprehensive, non-partisan voting information and reminders. 100% of our social media content, and our company home page, will support voting on Election Day."
Sean Lyons
"100% of our U.S. employees will receive paid time off to vote in order to encourage voter participation and ensure that their voices are heard."
David Phillips
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Mary Cleaver
Cleaver Co
"I commit to leading an organization that acknowledges and encourages democracy and the privilege of voting."
Taylor Cimala
Principal, Strategic Director
Digital Third Coast
"100% of our social media content will be about voting from November 1-3."
Anne Hartnett
Owner + Founder
"We are 100% committed in supporting and inspiring employees & clients to actively participate in our democracy and civic life."
Matthew Guidarelli
Founder & Managing Partner
Folly Ventures
"100% of our employees will participate in a mindfulness session on 11/4."
Nell Derick Debevoise
Founder and CEO
Inspiring Capital
"100% of our employees will be encouraged and empowered to take action on election day."
Jeff D'Andrea + Vy Nguyen
Avocado Green Mattress
"100% of our workers will be educated on the voting process and they will receive paid time off to vote"
Jared Meyers
Legacy Vacation Resorts
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Jose Alonso
Creative Director & Founder
"100% of our US employees are given paid time off to go vote. At Chili Piper, our number one belief is that we, citizens of the world, are all brothers and sisters. We want to make sure that voices against hostility & division are heard and counted."
Nicolas Vandenberghe
CEO & Co-Founder
Chili Piper, Inc.
"100% of Aspiration team members will be given the paid time off to vote and encouraged to do so."
Andrei Cherny
"100% of our employees will vote early. We will share voting information our social media the week of the election."
Chris Hutchinson
CEO and Abundance Influencer
Trebuchet Group
"RPG is providing 100% of our employees with paid time off for what we are calling Democracy Day. It is designed to remove barriers to participation in the democratic process this year. Our aim is to foster participation as individuals see fit: registering to vote; securing their mail-in ballots; researching issues and candidates; voting – early or on November 3rd; or volunteering at polling stations."
Bob Osmond
Racepoint Global
"100% of our team is committed to supporting our democracy through voting and encouraging all to vote."
Diane Yetter
President & Founder
Yetter Consulting Services/Sales Tax Institute
"100% of our staff will receive time off to participate in our election."
Thomas Gentle
Shotcall, Inc.
"100% of our staff will be given paid time off on Tuesday, November 3rd to ensure everyone has access to vote and/or volunteer as they deem appropriate."
Dr. William Pendergraft and Dr. Julie McGregor
Integrative Medical Clinic of North Carolina
"100% of our employees will be encouraged to vote however they choose, and be given whatever time they need to vote."
Frank Brosens
Taconic Capital
"100% of our employees will have afternoon PTO on Election Day and full day PTO the day after"
Mollie Harris
Co-Founder and Co-CEO
Heart Creative
"100% of our Central Office employees will receive Nov. 3 off to participate, including volunteering, in the election process."
Robert D. Manfred, Jr.
Major League Baseball
"100% of our associates, partners and stakeholders will be encouraged to participate in our democracy by casting their votes."
Naren Kini
Global Touchpoints Inc.
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day so employees have time to vote."
Swamy Sriperumbudur
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
AiLun Ku
President and CEO
The Opportunity Network
"We will ensure 100% of our employees will be given time to vote and we have encouraged our employees to make Nov 3 a no-meeting day."
Michael Byers
Chairman & CEO
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
James McLaughlin
CEO & President
Intelligentsia Coffee
"100% of our team members and followers will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Marshall Rader
"100% of our social media content will be about voting on Election Day"
Dalia Katan
CEO, Founder
"100% of our employees are encouraged to make a voting plan and then vote! In addition we are offering paid volunteer time for any employee that would like to work at the polls or if they experience long lines at the polls while trying to vote"
Naomi Neilson
Native Trails, Inc.
"100% of our US employees will be offered paid time off on Election Day to vote or serve as poll workers."
Andy Rafal
OLI Systems, Inc.
"We will encourage of our clients to vote on election day."
John Montgomery
Lex Ultima
"100% of our employees will have paid time off for the Monday and Tuesday of the election week to vote and volunteer, and we will encourage the same for and share voting resources with all of our clients."
Ari Matusiak
Co-Founder & CEO
Purpose Venture Group
"100% of the communities where we live and work will be strengthened by our company's commitment to nonpartisan civic participation."
Daphany Rose Sanchez
Executive Director
Kinetic Communities
"100% of our students & staff will have the day off to vote, & have the tools to make a plan to vote."
Lisa Lewin
General Assembly
"100% of our people will receive paid time off to vote."
Elizabeth Talerman
CEO, Managing Partner
The Nucleus Group
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Alejandro Gibes de Gac
CEO & Founder
Springboard Collaborative
"Lakefront Brewery is in for Democracy. If you don’t vote, you can’t complain. What fun would that be? Lakefront Brewery encourages employees to exercise their right to vote, provides employees time to take off to vote, and send out important voting information via e-mail to employees."
Russell J. Klisch
President, Founder & Owner
Lakefront Brewery, Inc.
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote and volunteer at the polls. Additionally, 20% of proceeds from our small-batch, fall-themed Democracy Blend will be donated to organizations dedicated to ensuring a free, safe, and fair election. Our social media and website content will also be focused on election and voter registration guides, tips, and helpful resources so our followers are prepared and feel safe to participate in this year's election."
Alex Balla
CEO and Co-Founder
Wishful Roasting Coffee Co.
"100% of our employees are encouraged to go to the polls, with paid time off for the full day including paid transportation to/from the polls"
Steph Lund
Managing Director
M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment New York
"100% of our employees in the United States are eligible for paid time off on Election Day and half-days of paid time off to vote in local/municipal elections each year."
Christa Carone
President, CSM North America
CSM Sport & Entertainment
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization. Additionally, we are encouraging other businesses to join the nonpartisan Time to Vote movement and support Business for America's Operation Vote Safe campaign, which is mobilizing a national network of civic-minded companies to support effective election administration. Hannon Armstrong's donation will ensure a mid-sized Pennsylvania county has enough PPE and supplies for poll workers and voters."
Jeff Eckel
Chairman and CEO
Hannon Armstrong
"100% of Thanx employees will benefit from Nov 2 and Nov 3 as paid company holidays to enable them to vote and provide ample opportunity to support others in their ability to vote."
Zach Goldstein
"100% of our staff voted early"
Lucia Folk
President & CEO
The Change Agent∙cy
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Kirsten Ludwig
"100% of our employees will have paid time off to vote."
Jonathan Jackson
"100% of our employees have been given paid time off to go vote!"
Andrew Powell
Founder & CEO
Learn To Win
"100% of our employees will and have been encouraged to vote. We are using all our social and digital channels to advocate for and encourage participation."
Adrian Ho
Founding Partner/CEO
Zeus Jones
"100% of our employees and customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Eric Lampman
Lake Champlain Chocolates
"100% of our employees are offered paid time off on election day to serve as poll workers and vote!"
Andrew Lederman
Bucket Listers
"100% of our employees are encouraged not to have meetings on Election Day and will have the opportunity to receive paid time off to vote to ensure that their voices are heard."
Philip J. Sanders
Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc.
"100% of our employees will receive the day off to engage in their civic responsibility. We are committed to shutting our doors the day before, during and after the election to reflect on the next stage of our nation."
Kevin Jacobs
Founder & CEO
Rise Dataworks
"100% of our offices and stores will be closed on Election Day and we’re providing our community with resources to make a plan to vote and volunteer at the polls."
Donna Carpenter
Chair of the Board
Burton Snowboards
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Jaime Athos
President & CEO
The Tofurky Company
"100% of our civic engagement will remain non-partisan and committed to encouraging voting."
Rebecca Rey
"100% of our US employees are taking the day off to vote."
Jonathan Matus
"100% of our employees will be given paid time off on November 3. Additionally, we have provided voter registration assistance and a large banner on our building encouraging our community to “Vote with inTENTion.""
Tony Ehrbar
American Tent
"100% of our social media will be joy-filled reasons to vote!"
Kelli Richardson Lawson
JOY Collective
"100% of our employees have already voted"
Chuck Adams
Frogsong Farm LLC
"We strongly encourage every citizen to vote and preserve our democracy!"
Joga Ryali
Founder and CEO
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Allison Moss
Founder & CEO
Type A Brands
"100% of our Member-Owners and Supporters will be encouraged to vote!"
Lynn Benander
Co-op Power
"100% of our employees will be respected and supported, no matter the result of the election."
Amy Prosenjak
A to Z Wineworks
"We are 100% committed to our team voting and actively participating in our democracy."
Todd Gettelfinger
Chief Executive Officer
Orbit Media Studios, Inc.
"100% of our team members and followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day!"
Matt Murphy
Kids in the Game
"100% of our employees and customers will be encouraged to vote"
Craig Lamberty
C and L LLC, dba Conscious Coffees
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Jay Goldklang
Founder & CEO
Great Jones
"100% of our clients and community partners will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Angela Powell
Founder and CEO
Imago, LLC
"100% of our teammates have paid time off each year to vote on a county, state, and/or federal level."
Andy Coravos
Elektra Labs
"100% of our staff will have a full day of PTO on Election Day to encourage them to vote or volunteer at the polls."
Marcus Iannozzi
Founder and Principal
Message Agency
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Adrian J (AJ) DeLeon
Innovare - Social Innovation Partners
"100% of all employees, in office and in store, receive PTO on Nov 3rd to vote, work the polls, help neighbors vote and encourage others to vote. We also encourage our wide-reaching fanbase to register to vote/vote through our email and social messaging."
Melissa Mash
Co-founder and CEO
Dagne Dover
"100% of our employees will be given paid time off to vote and are encouraged to volunteer at the polls."
Lindsay Faeder
"100% of our social media & email content will be about voting from October 29-November 3."
Emily Miethner
CEO, Founder
"100% of our employees will be provided with a paid day off to vote, free transportation to local polls, and PPE for themselves and others."
Teddy Raskin
Co-Founder & CEO
"100% of our employees are encouraged to vote, have access to non-partisan education and resources, and receive paid time off to vote."
Casey Sheahan
Simms Fishing Products
"100% of our US employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Michael Hansen
"100% of our employees have been reminded and encouraged to vote by or before Election Day and will receive 1/2 day off for voting."
Anne Staines
President & CEO
Sagent Marketing
"100% of our employees will have election day off."
Rami Essaid
"100% ensure all associates are able to vote. We are providing free meals and 2 hours paid time for all scheduled associates to vote on November 3rd. "
Kyle J. Krause
Chairman & CEO
Kum & Go
"100% of our US employees will have the day off on Election Day."
Frida Polli
CEO and Founder of pymetrics
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on November 3 so employees have time to vote."
Matt McCambridge
Eden Health
"100% of our employees will receive information on polling locations and be given paid time off to vote."
Peter Purcell
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Paul Katzeff
Chief Executive Officer
Thanksgiving Coffee Company
"Each USA employee is given Election Day as a paid holiday to enable them to cast their vote. Each employee has been directed to tools to check on and enable voter registration."
Jeffrey Saltzman
"100% of our offices will forgo non-essential meetings and provide flex working hours to provide employees space for civic engagement and wellness during the week before and the week after Nov. 3."
Tim Frick
"100% of employees will have reduced work hours on Nov. 3rd."
Ben Harrison
Founder & CEO
Jonas Paul Eyewear
"100% of our employees receive paid time to vote and engage in our democracy"
Spencer Williams
West Paw
"100% of our employees get Election Day off. We’re defining selection day as any time between later Sep and Nov 3, to enable early voting. We’re also giving employees another day off if they commit to voter registration, get out the vote, or other related efforts."
David Klein
CEO & Co-Founder
"100% of our company employees have committed to vote, encourage our community, clients and collaborators to support voting."
Andrew Jernigan
Insured Nomads
"We will be providing our colleagues and clients resources needed to register to vote, encourage and ensure their voices are heard and assist with transport to polling locations in this year’s election."
M. Gabriela Ungo
Managing Attorney
GC Ungo
"100% of our employees and leadership commit to staying at the table, regardless of the election outcome, and leading with love."
Suzanne St. John-Crane
CEO / ALF National Board Chair
American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Scott Hancock
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
David Eagleman
"100% of our employees and our community will be encouraged to vote."
Kate Byrne
President (we have no CEO)
"100% of our employees will be given PTO to vote and we will use our media channels to encourage voting."
Lora Ledermann
Scream Agency
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Maria Flynn
Jobs for the Future
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Robin White Owen
MediaCombo, Inc.
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day"
Chris Webb
CEO + Co-Founder
"100% of our employees will be given the day off to vote on Election Day."
James Dressing
Founder & CEO
"100% of our employees globally receive paid time off to vote. We’ve run a campaign to encourage our employees to vote in the upcoming US election and are using our social channels to advocate for and encourage our customers and communities to participate in the election."
Jeffrey Hayes
President & CEO
Myer-Briggs Company Limited
"100% of our employees have the day off to vote on Election Day."
Andrew Fisher
Founder & CEO
"100% of our audience will be encouraged to make a voting plan, vote early and vote safely."
Scott Mills
"100% of our social media content will be about voting from November 1-3."
Jeffrey Delkin
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as poll workers or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Rebecca Hamilton
W.S. Badger Company
"We aim for Wordbanker voter turnout in all elections. This year, we’re encouraging people to make a voting plan, help others to do the same, and engage in volunteering opportunities as well. All of our people receive paid time off to vote, to volunteer, and to research ballot issues & candidates. We also share educational materials and reminders from trusted sources, both internally and on our social media platforms, to help combat misinformation."
Lindsay Johnson
CEO/Managing Director
Wordbank, LLC
"Our offices will close early and 100% of our employees will be given time to vote and to participate in nonpartisan civic action on Election Day - part of our firm's commitment to advocating for fair and safe voting."
Alex Liu
Managing Partner & Chairman
"100% of our employees are encouraged to vote, and can take the time off to vote and to volunteer at polls or GOTV efforts."
Ryan Boyko
CEO & Founder
Embark Veterinary
"100% of our employees will receive time off to vote and a paid day of to serve as a poll worker if they would like to help out on election day."
Laurie Fabiano
President, Tory Burch Foundation
Tory Burch
"100% of our employees, customers, and followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Frank G Scarpaci
"100% of our company will have the day off on November 3rd. We are encouraging employees to vote, volunteer, and support this year's election in their community. We are proud to provide them the time off to participate in these ways."
Sarah Horn
ReUp Education
"100% of Evolvers know that their vote matters and that we are committed to offering the resources and time needed to ensure their voices are heard."
Brian Egan
Co-Founder & CEO
Evolve Vacation Rental
"100% of our employees will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Peter Majeranowski
CEO & Co-Founder
"100% of our offices are closed on Election Day so all employees can vote and help others vote."
Demetri Karagas
Co-founder & President
Thirty Madison
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to serve as poll workers."
Travis Barnes
Founder & CEO
Hotel Tango Distillery
"100% of our workers will have the day off on Election Day and be encouraged to vote."
Anil Dash
"100% of our employees, customers , and followers will be encouraged to vote early or on Election Day."
Daniel Nicholson
President & CEO
"We will commit to giving 2 hours of paid leave to each of our employees so that they can VOTE on November 3rd."
Jim Kras
President & CMO
Edible Garden
"100% of our employees will be respected and supported, no matter the result of the election."
Mylen Yamamoto Tansingco
Cropsticks Inc.
"100% of Tech304 employees will receive Election Day completely off every year in order to prioritize getting themselves, family, and friends to the appropriate voting locations."
Collin Meadows
Founding Member
Tech304, LLC
"100% use of the resources of EIF to support the I am a voter. campaign"
Nicole Sexton
President & CEO
Entertainment Industry Foundation
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Nick Culbertson
CEO & Co-Founder
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization"
Andrew Ruben
CEO & Founder
Trove Recommerce, Inc.
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Paula Berezin
Social Capital
"Cedar has a strong commitment to democracy and encourages everyone to vote."
Florian Otto
"100% of our meetings with our European & American clients will be canceled on Election Day."
Myles Dean
Founder and CEO
The Company of Holistic Returns
"100% of our team will be encouraged to vote! We will also amplify this message to our community."
John-Erik Jahnsen
Founder and CEO
Good Pencil Company
"100% of our associates are empowered to vote"
William E. Siwek
President and CEO
TPI Composites, Inc.
"I have always believed that the greatest privilege granted everyone in our American democracy is the right to vote, and that each vote counts. 100% of our team members will have paid time off to vote, and that we will cancel 100% of our company meetings on election day."
Bill Schraad Jr.
President & CEO
Schraad Sales & Marketing
"100% of Our Staff Have Been Reminded to Vote on Election Day and Given the Day Off to Support Their Participation."
Claudine Beron
Chief Executive Officer
Initiate Government Solutions
"100% of our social media content will be about voting from November 1-3."
Casey Helbling
Founder & CEO
Software for Good
"100% of our messages about voting encourage civic engagement all the time; democracy is not one and done."
Gloria Feldt
Co-Founder and President
Take The Lead
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day and be given paid time off to do so"
Juliet Scott-Croxford
Worth Media
"100% of our extended community receive voting related guidance."
Ruksana Azhu Valappil
Founder & CEO
"100% of my energy and hopes goes to activating black voters to use their voice and vote"
Daryl Young
Founder & CEO
"100% of our team will have time to vote because we are banning all meetings on Election Day."
Ryan Coon
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
David Rosenstein
Founder and CEO
Intex Solutions, Inc.
"We affirm our policies in support of democracy and commit to the agreements of the civic alliance community."
Jennifer Otts
Full Circle Company
"100% of our team will have election day off to help our neighbors vote."
Andrew Hoppin
"Democracy is our right. You will be encouraged and supported to exercise your right to vote. Your vote is personal; it is yours. I am committed to ensuring our staff shows strong participation as we all play a vital role in our economy, our policies, our future."
Laura Zaspel
Serendipity Catering
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote on election day."
Sean Maher / Devon Woodruff / Matt Hillman
Cut + Sew // Zoned Gaming
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Aurora Archer
CEO + Founder
Bellatrix Group
"100% of our customers & partners will know our position of voting as a priority and our commitment to support them in their commitment if needed."
Steph Sharma
Managing Director
Symbio Strategies
"100% closed on election day"
Reginald Swwift
Founder & CEO
Rubix LS
"Providing encouragement to participate and flexibility in work to make that happen."
Russ Stoddard
Founder and CEO
Oliver Russell
"100% of employees who want to vote CAN vote!"
Nick Smarrelli
"100% of APDS employees will be reminded to vote and given the time needed to do so."
Harris Ferrell
"100% of our team members will receive paid time off to vote on Election Day."
John Pepper
Founder & Chief Worker Advocate
"Civic participation at the corporate level means granting adequate time off to vote and promoting information on the nearest polls. We further uphold that political speech in the workplace is protected under the First Amendment. As such, we appreciate diverse views on issues and only advocate that our staff applies their civic duty. Our company culture remains conducive to respectful dialogue."
Sprott Woods
"100% of employees will vote and we will use our voice to encourage others."
Craig Young
Executive Director
Inspiring Service
"100% of our employees /customers / followers will be reminded to and encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Aaron Bullock
Misha's Kind Foods, Inc
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Dawn Sherman
Native American Natural Foods DBA Tanka
"100% of our team members will be remided to VOTE on election day and we will support all regardless of their choice this election."
Pooneh Ramezani, DDS
Dr. Brite
"100% of our employees eligible to vote have committed to vote in the 2020 election."
Michael Bellavia
"100% of our employees will get paid time off to vote."
Ross Howe
"100% of our employees will be given paid time off to vote."
Dilip Rao
CEO & Co-Founder
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Drew Shula
Verdical Group
"100% of our employees will receive dedicated time to vote, volunteer, serve their communities, & pursue other meaningful forms of civic engagement."
Ben Silbermann
"100% of our premium members will receive credits that can be used towards free child care on Election Day."
Tim Allen
"100% of our employees will have paid time off to vote."
Jim Kuerschner
"100% of our Social Media Posts will highlight our commitment."
Leslie Ann Pilling
Presence II Productions
"100% of our people are offered paid time off to serve as poll workers, & are encouraged to make a voting plan, then vote!"
Michael Haft and Harrison Suarez
Compass Coffee
"Please vote early and in person. This is your right and duty as a citizen. Your vote is your voice and it matters. Please vote!"
Teresa Blanca
Chairman & CEO
Blanca Commercial Real Estate, Inc.
"100% of our employees will be empowered to be stewards of their communities and vote on Election Day."
Varun Mehta
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
David Young
Chief Executive Officer
Participate Learning
"29:11 Creative LLC is 100% in for democracy in 2020 and beyond. We'll demonstrate our commitment by providing voter education through our social platforms and supporting the work of our nonprofit clients who are working on voter education, census participation outreach, and other civic-related projects and initiatives."
Sandee Jackson
CEO / Chief Strategist
29:11 Creative LLC
"100% of our staff can take election day as a paid volunteer or holiday."
Eric Friedenwald-Fishman
creative director/CEO
Metropolitan Group
"100% of our employees will get reminders, resources, and encouragement to vote. 100% of our guests will see voting reminders in-store, on social media, and email. 100% of our employees will be encouraged to make a plan to vote on Election Day or earlier, with corporate teammates observing "civic hours" by not taking meetings November 3rd."
Nick Kenner
Founder & CEO
Just Salad
"100% of our employees have paid time off to early vote, as well as Election Day off to volunteer at the polls."
Crystal Mario
CEO & Founder
Rivanna Natural Designs, Inc.
"100% of our team members will time off to vote + no meetings will be held on Election Day."
Diane Bradley
Founder & CEO
The Goodness Collaborative
"100% of our U.S. employees will be offered paid time off to vote and may also take full paid time off to volunteer as a poll worker"
Jonathan Levine
Cofounder and CEO
Master & Dynamic
"100% of employees will receive paid time off on Election Day"
Anand Agarawala
Spatial Systems
"100% of our team is encouraged to use their voice and vote, and we will pay them for their time going to the polls."
Mike Radenbaugh
Founder & CEO
Rad Power Bikes
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Meg Barnhart
Founder / Co-Creator
Zen of Slow Cooking
"100% of our social media content will be about voting from November 1-3. 100% of our meetings will be cancelled on Election Day."
Angela Ceresnie
Climb Credit
"100% of our employees have paid time off to cast their ballot, have received voting resources and have been encouraged to make their voices heard at the polls."
Chris McCann
1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc.
"100% of employees who use MyZolve for workplace advice will receive a free credit for committing to vote."
Meme Scott
Founder & CEO
"We honor 100% of our employees by making it easier to vote by making November 3rd “A Day For Democracy”: full day off (paid) to vote together with coaching around a responsible approach, should they prefer, to online registration and ballot request from the safety of their homes."
Peter Palandjian
"We will ensure 100% of our employees will be given time to vote & encouraged to do so!"
Miriam Cremer
Basic Health International
"100% of our employees will have Election Day off to vote and volunteer to help voter turnout and fair elections."
Sandra Stewart
Thinkshift Communications
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Jame Cofran
"100% of the Broadvoice team will have paid time off to vote, volunteer at the polls, and receive access to resources to help them be aware, be counted, and be engaged. We will use our social networks to encourage everyone to participate in democracy, now and always"
Jim Murphy
"100% of our employees receive paid time off to vote. Our employees are also encouraged to volunteer as poll workers."
Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams
Bad Robot Productions
"100% of our employees are committing to vote, have a plan to vote, and have all the time they need to do so."
Jason Parkin
President & CCO
"100% of our workers will be educated on the voting process and receive paid time off to vote"
Jared Meyers
Salt Palm Development
"100% of our U.S. employees have received voting-related resources and information and will be given a paid day off on Election Day to exercise their right to vote."
Lynn Lewis
UM Worldwide
"100% of our team members will be supported and encouraged to participate in our country’s elections."
Chris Mittelstaedt
Founder & CEO
The FruitGuys
"100% of our employees will be paid for their time to vote before coming to work and 100% will be paid if they work at a polling place."
Peter Sachs
"100% of our company will be closed on Election Day. All employees will receive paid time off to vote."
Zach Adelman
Navitas Organics
"100% of our employees will be given time off to vote, as well as to volunteer."
Mark Horoszowski
CEO & Co-founder
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off on November 2 and 3 to vote and volunteer to help get out the vote and allow others to do so safely as well."
Blake Sturcke
Encore Renewable Energy
"Our Danone Votes initiative ensures that 100% of Danone North America employees are receiving reminders, educational resources, and encouragement to register to vote, make a plan to vote, and use their voices to engage in our democracy."
Shane Grant
Danone North America
"100% of the voting services we design are open source."
Juhan Sonin
Chief Creative Sandpaper
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Tessa Kluetz Pernell
TKP Designs
"100% of our team receives a paid volunteer day to vote and help get out the vote"
Ion Yadigaroglu
Managing Partner
Capricorn Investment Group
"100% of Mimoto’s U.S. employees have the day off to vote and are encourage to participate in civics throughout the year."
Kris Bondi
CEO & Co-Founder
"100% of Maven employees will have paid time off to vote this year and every election year."
Katherine Ryder
Maven Clinic
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Yoon S. Choi
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off to deliver an early ballot or to vote at the polls, and to volunteer in the electoral process. For nearly a century, our work has been to promote the book, one of the essential tools of a flourishing democracy and one that embodies the American intellect, heart, and soul. To that end, Porchlight will provide a copy of the US Constitution to each of our employees and donate copies to students in the Milwaukee community."
Rebecca Schwartz
CEO, owner
Porchlight Book Company
"100% of customers will receive 5 stickers with QR codes to voter resources."
Hayden Cleverly
Democra-street Wear
"We are providing a PTO day for all employees to vote and have provided mail-in ballot assistance to all."
Kevin Dunn
CEO & Co-founder
Decisely Insurance Services
"100% of active UA MapMyRun users will be invited to join the #RunToVote Challenge to run 11.3 miles and learn about voting along the way."
Patrik Frisk
President & CEO
Under Armour
"100% of our team will be strongly encouraged and supported to vote."
Chris Treter
Higher Grounds Trading Co.
"100% of our employees will sign up to be poll workers on Election Day."
Nancy Lerner
Otherwise Incorporated
"100% of our employees are encouraged to vote on Election Day and have received information on how to register to vote"
David Rosenberg
Co-Founder and CEO
"100% of our employees will be given the day off and encouraged to go vote, serve as poll workers or volunteers."
Mehdi Daoudi
Catchpoint Systems, Inc.
"100% of our employees around the world will receive paid time off to vote and volunteer at the polls whenever they have the opportunity to participate in their national or local elections."
Erbil Yaman
Founder & CEO
"100% to keep the Republic by promoting and protecting the vote of ALL our citizens"
Dave Smith
X Sector Labs
"100% of our US-based employees will be encouraged to vote and those that wish to partake in any get-out-the-vote volunteer activities will be granted paid time off."
Harry Kargman
Founder & CEO
"We commit to ensure we increase young and Latinx voting turn out this November!"
Reyna Montoya
Founder, CEO
"100% of our employees have PTO to vote and 100% of meetings are canceled on Election Day to accommodate voting and volunteering."
Manish Joneja
Bark Box
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Amy Nelson
Venture For America
"We will make 100% commitment to reach all of our companies and business organizations to engage their employees and customers in ensuring a fair elections."
David Levine
American Sustainable Business Council
"100% of our employees will have a paid day off to vote"
Rajeev Kapur
Chief Executive Officer
1105 Media
"100% of our employees have the option to take 4 hours of paid time to do GOTV work"
John Abrams
President and CEO
South Mountain Company, Inc
"100% of our customers will be offered discounted rides to the polls, and 100% of our employees will honor Election Day as a holiday with paid time off."
Logan Green & John Zimmer
Co-Founders; CEO & President respectively
"100% of our employees, partners, & customers who volunteer to serve as poll workers will receive free PPE for themselves & their immediate family to encourage safe voting."
Daniel Fine
"At Nécessaire, we advocate for a future where people and the planet can thrive. Voting is an important and necessary part of supporting this effort. On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 our team will have the full day off, whereby they have time to vote and to volunteer at the polls, if desired."
Randi Christiansen
CEO / Co-Founder
"100% of our employees will be reminded to vote on Election Day."
Natalie Rekstad
Founder & CEO
Black Fox Philanthropy
"100% of employees will receive a paid day off to vote and volunteer during election day"
Micah Gold-Markel
Solar States
"100% of our meetings will be canceled on Election Day."
Andre Zagmout
Managing Partner
Zagmout & Company CPAs
"100% of our employees have paid time off to vote."
Sampriti Ganguli
Arabella Advisors
"100% committed to empowering and enabling business owners, managers, and shift workers, as well as our own employees, to schedule their votes"
Dave Zinman
Global President, Deputy
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off if they vote!"
Tiffany Turner
Adrift Hospitality
"100% of our employees will receive Election Day as a paid company holiday."
JR Kerr
"100% of our employees will get Election Day as PTO to support voting everywhere."
Anna Madill
"100% of our employees will be encouraged to make a plan to vote."
Elizabeth O’Brien
Freedom Learning Group
"100% of our company will be given paid time off to vote and be encouraged to volunteer as poll workers"
Michael Wieder
Co-Founder & President
"100% of all employees are provided holiday pay on Election Day."
Tasha Gideon
"100% of our leadership team is committed to the right to vote and the ability to do so."
Dave Vasen
Founder & CEO
"100% of our employees have increased capacity for civic engagement through dedicated volunteer time off or company sponsored donations to the cause of their choice."
Robert Jordan
Idealist Consulting
"100% of our employees fully supported to vote on or before Election Day"
Ted Barber
Prosperity Candle
"100% of our team members are being given paid time off to vote!"
Jeff Bonaldi
Founder & CEO
The Explorer's Passage
"100% of our U.S. based employees will be offered paid time off to vote in local, state, or federal elections."
Ryan Shearman
"100% of our employees will receive paid time off in order to vote, or to work at a polling place."
Jared Smith
President and C.E.O.
Kitestring Technical Services
"100% voting! Our future depends on the hands on engagement of a vigorous democracy."
Michael Fratkin M.D. FAAHPM
ResolutionCare Network
"100% of our employees will be respected and supported, no matter the result of the election."
Tom Brinegar
Vice President & CFO
PEAK Resources, Inc.
"100% of our employees are receiving paid time off to vote and serve as a poll worker or volunteer for a civic engagement organization."
Joshua Wright
Executive Director
"100% of our customers / followers will be encouraged to vote on Election Day."
Tal Chitayat
Full Circle Brands
"100% of the communities where we live and work will be strengthened by our company's commitment to nonpartisan civic participation"
Zach Weismann
Founder & CEO
MAG Impact Collective
"100% of our US employees will have a paid day off on November 3 to vote and can use paid volunteer time before the election to safely get out the vote in their communities."
Erika Fisher
"100% of our team will receive time off to vote, and we have provided reminders and tools for voter registration. We remain committed to the democratic process and encourage everyone to make a plan to vote."
Jon Dario
Edison Properties
"100% of our work during election season will be dedicated to ensuring a safe, free and fair election."
Ari Wallach
Founder and Executive Director
Longpath Labs
"100% of employees will receive a paid day off on October 9, to empower Carmerians and get involved in preserving democracy for all."
Ro Gupta
"We give paid time off to vote. We have hand-written 400 "get out the vote" postcards to voters in swing states."
Polina Pinchevsky
Co-founder & Creative Director
RoundPeg Benefit LLC
"100% of our employees will receive Election Day as paid time off to vote and volunteer."
Greg Sewitz
Magic Spoon
"100% of employees will be encouraged to vote and will have time to do so."
Jill Robbins
Homefree, LLC
"100% of our employees have the day off on election day to vote and volunteer."
Matthew Glotzbach
"100% of our employees will be given Election Day as a paid holiday so they may vote and volunteer."
Eric Zimmerman
"100% of our collaborators, ambassadors and employees are taking the MERGE4 Good Pledge to Be The Difference and vote on or before November 3rd."
Cindi Busenhart
Founder / CEO
"100% of our employees will have the day off to vote and volunteer in voter mobilization and poll work. And we are encouraging the youth mentoring movement to vote."
David Shapiro
MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership
"100% of our classes will be themed on encouraging people to VOTE"
Maryam Sharifzadeh
Founder & CEO
Office Yoga
"100% of our employees will be given paid time off to vote"
Justin Wright
Habitus Incorporated
"100% committed to providing informative & factual non-partisan information."
Stephanie Lynn Morales
"100% of our team will be given the day off to vote"
Jay Buys

It is time to take decisive action to empower voters, build trust in our elections, and support our communities. These actions aren't partisan or political. They're patriotic.

We invite you to join our Civic Alliance and commit to being 100% In for democracy.